Greek Dictionary

English Greek Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 37
wagon βαγόνι more translation vagoni
wait περιμένω more translation perimeno
walk βγάζω βόλτα more translation vgazo volta
wall χτίζω τείχος htizo tihos
want θέλω thelo
washer ροδέλα more translation rodela
waste σπατάλη more translation spatali
water νερό more translation nero
wednesday Τετάρτη tetarti
week εβδομάδα evdomada
weekend σαββατοκύριακο savatokiriako
well καλά more translation kala
when πότε more translation pote
where πού pou
wherever οπουδήποτε opoudipote
white άσπρος more translation aspros
who ποιος more translation poios
whole ολόκληρο more translation olokliro
whose τίνος more translation tinos
why γιατί more translation giati
wife γυναίκα gineka
wind instrument πνευστό όργανο pnefsto organo
window παράθυρο more translation parathiro
winter χειμωνιάτικος himoniatikos
wireless ασύρματος assirmatos
with μαζί more translation mazi
within μέσα more translation mesa
without χωρίς horis
woman γυναίκα gineka
wonder αναρωτιέμαι more translation anarotieme
wonderful θαυμάσιος thavmassios
word λέξη more translation lexi
work έργο more translation ergo
world κόσμος more translation kosmos
wound τραύμα more translation travma

Word of the day:
auditory · αίθουσα

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