Translation of “still” in Greek

6 translation entries available
English still
Type adverb
Greek ακόμα
Pronunciation akoma
He's still angry.
Είναι ακόμα θυμωμένος
English still
Type adverb
Greek όμως
Pronunciation omos
He has his faults. Still, I love him.
Έχει τα ελλατώματα του όμως τον αγαπάω.
English still
Type verb
Greek καθησυχάζω
Pronunciation kathissichazo
English still
Type adjective
Greek ήσυχος
Pronunciation issichos
Article ο/η/το
Suffix ος/η/ο
The night was very still.
Η νύχτα ήταν πολύ ήρεμη
English still
Type adjective
Greek ήρεμος
Pronunciation iremos
Article ο/η/το
Suffix ος/η/ο
English still
Type adjective
Greek ακίνητος
Pronunciation akinitos
Article ο/η/το
Suffix ος/η/ο
still camera
σταθερή κάμερα

Word of the day:
still · ήσυχος

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