Translation of “venture” in Greek

6 translation entries available
English venture
Type noun
Greek επιχείρηση
Pronunciation epichirissi
Article η
a joint venture
επιχείρηση ενωμένων κεφαλαίων
English venture
Type noun
Greek τόλμημα
Pronunciation tolmima
Article το
English venture
Type verb
Greek τολμώ
Pronunciation tolmo
English venture
Type verb
Greek ριψοκινδυνεύω
Pronunciation ripsokindinevo
English venture
Type verb
Greek αποτολμώ
Pronunciation apotolmo
English venture
Type adjective
Greek ριψοκίνδυνος
Pronunciation ripsokindinos
Article ο/η/το
Suffix ος/η/ο

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