Greek Dictionary

English Greek Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 141 - 175 of 296
treachery δόλος more translation dolos
tread πατημασιά more translation patimassia
treason προδοσία prodossia
treasonous προδοτικός prodotikos
treasure θησαυρός more translation thissavros
treasury θησαυροφυλάκιο more translation thissavrofilakio
treat θεραπεύω more translation therapevo
treatise διατριβή more translation diatrivi
treaty σύμβαση more translation simvassi
treble τριπλασιάζω more translation triplassiazo
tree δέντρο dentro
trefoil τριφύλλι trifili
trek οδοιπορία more translation odiporia
trellis δικτυωτός diktiotos
tremble τρόμος more translation tromos
tremendous τρομερός more translation tromeros
tremor τρόμος more translation tromos
trench χαντάκι more translation chantaki
trenchant απότομος more translation apotomos
trend τάση more translation tassi
trendy μοδάτος modatos
trepidation ταραχή more translation tarachi
trespass παράβαση more translation paravassi
tress κοτσίδα kotsida
triad τριάδα triada
trial δοκιμή more translation dokimi
triangle τρίγωνο trigono
triangular τριγωνικός more translation trigonikos
tribal φυλετικός filetikos
tribe φυλή fili
tribesman μέλος φυλής melos filis
tribunal δικαστήριο dikastirio
tribune δημαγωγός more translation dhmagogos
tribute φόρος more translation foros
trick τέχνασμα more translation technasma

Word of the day:
trig · σφήνα

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